Public offer agreement
1. Subject of the Regulation
1.1. UAB "GOOD FLIGHT" company code 306651953, whose registered office is located at Naugarduko g. 3-401, Vilnius, LT-03231, Lithuania (hereinafter referred to as the "Agent"), draws up the following Terms and Conditions for the provision of the services of an electronic travel agent and undertakes to comply with them.
1.2. The Agent undertakes, for a fee, to provide the Client or other persons designated by the Client in accordance with the procedure and conditions of these Regulations, intermediary services for booking, payment, issuing of air tickets for charter and regular flights and/or buses, additional services for air/bus travel, and as well as services for issuing medical insurance policies for persons traveling abroad, to transfer issued tickets, route receipts and medical policies under the terms of these Regulations and the booking application filled out by the Client and confirmed by the Agent.
1.3. All circumstances of using the Client's registration on the web portal www.chartershop.eu, as well as the use of information obtained as a result of the Client's registration and the orders placed by him, are regulated by these Regulations, and in the part not regulated by them, by the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania and the legislation of the European of the Union.
1.4. A person who uses the Internet portal www.chartershop.eu declares that he is familiar with the provisions of this Regulation and agrees with them. The agent is not a carrier, therefore the booking is made in accordance with the procedure established on the basis of the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania and the legislation of the European Union, as well as in accordance with the conditions of specific Carriers and Service Providers.
1.5. By registering on the web portal www.chartershop.eu and using it to order a ticket, the Client agrees to all terms, conditions and disclaimers set forth in these Regulations. If the Buyer does not agree with the provisions of this Regulation, he cannot use the web portal and make a reservation.
1.6. Registration on the website www.chartershop.eu, the use of the website's reservation system and the electronic ordering of services shall be understood by the Parties as the Client's acceptance of the offer made by the Agent, and the relationship between the Parties shall be deemed to have been agreed upon in accordance with the terms of these Regulations and the norms of the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania, which shall regulate the creation of the obligations between the Parties as well as the rights and obligations of the Parties in the obligations.
1.7. UAB "GOOD FLIGHT", company registration number 306651953, with registered office at Naugarduko g. 3-401, Vilnius, LT-03231, Lithuania (the "Agent"), is hereinafter referred to as the "Company" or "Good Flight" in these Terms.
The Company is a travel agent licensed in the Republic of Lithuania, license No. KA-307, issued on 16-05-2024.
1.8. The user of the system has the right to copy, reproduce and record the contents of this Regulation free of charge. The user of the system has the right to freely distribute the content of this Regulation, without the possibility of its commercial use.
1.9. Trade names, logos, descriptions and trademarks, as well as the color scheme and design of the website www.chartershop.eu are protected by law. Each user is obliged to refrain from any actions that violate the intellectual property rights of persons who have the right to these trade names, logos, descriptions and trademarks, as well as to the color scheme and design of the website. All copyrights to texts, images, photos and other materials included in the booking system belong to Good Flight. The inclusion of trademarks not owned by Good Flight is for informational purposes only.
1.10. The use and distribution of materials contained on the website www.chartershop.eu is permitted only with the written consent of the owner.
2. Definition
2.1. Wherever it is indicated in the Regulation:
- offer - is understood as: a statement of the Agent, addressed to another party, expressing the will to conclude a contract on the terms set forth in these Regulations,
- acceptance of the offer - it should be understood as: full and unconditional agreement of the Client with the terms of the Agent's offer, which is carried out by filling out the order(s) (online) in accordance with the requirements of these Regulations or sending the order(s) to the address: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea. ,
- Agreement - is understood as: an agreement concluded between the Client and the Agent on the terms set forth in these Regulations,
- publication - means: placing the text of this offer on the Internet at the address: www.chartershop.eu,
- website - should be understood as: the online portal www.chartershop.eu that serves transaction processes,
- Agents - a licensed travel agent who is not the Carrier and does not provide transport services. The agent provides intermediary services for the issuing, booking and purchasing of services for Clients from the relevant operators - the following service providers,
- clients - should be understood as:
- a person who has reached the age of 18 and has full legal capacity under Article 2.5(1) of the Civil Code,
- a legal person or other organisational unit having the status of a legal person, as referred to in Article 2.33(1) of the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania, which has legal capacity under the law and is registered on the website www.chartershop.pl, and instructs the Agent, acting on behalf of the Client, to fill in the applications for the booking of chartered or scheduled flights and/or bus tickets, supplementary services and travel medical insurance services,
- Carrier - means a natural person, a legal person or another organisational unit having the status of a legal person, as referred to in Article 2.33(1) of the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania, which carries out the Customer's transport and is liable to the Customer for the Customer's breach of his/her transport obligations, and which possesses a valid certificate (licence or concession) which allows it to carry out its business activities in the field of air/road transport,
- Service - should be understood as: a set of actions provided to the Client by the Service Provider and/or the Carrier after making the payment,
- Service provider (supplier) - it should be understood as: an entrepreneur - a provider of tourist services and other services offered on the Site, who is an official - legal partner of the Agent,
- funds - means: funds that are not the property and income of the Agent, received by the Agent from the Client for the services provided, which, with the exception of the Agent's service fee, are payable to the Service Provider or the Carrier,
- Agent's fee - it should be understood as: the Agent's fee, which is paid by the client for providing services for booking, ordering and selling air tickets, as well as additional services. The Agent's service fee is the Agent's fee, which is determined by the Agent independently and does not require individual agreement with the Client. The Service Fee is the difference between the amount paid by the Client for the Services and the amount paid by the Agent to the Service Provider and/or Carrier,
- passengers - means: a person to whom a ticket or service is provided,
- Order, reservation/booking request - should be understood as: a properly executed request(s) of the Client for booking and ordering tickets and/or additional services provided by other persons, containing information agreed with the Agent about the number of tickets, their class, passenger identification data, departure and return dates, departure and destination points and other services,
- Confirmation of the order/booking/reservation - the Agent's response to the Client's order in documentary form confirming the Carrier's agreement to provide the Client with a ticket and/or additional services,
- charter air transportation/charter flights - tourist services in the field of air transport, which are performed by the carrier in accordance with the air charter contract for all or part of the capacity of the aircraft, as well as equivalent regular tariffs for special (non-return) flights,
- transport document - should be understood as: confirmation of the electronic ticket certifying the contract of carriage concluded between the Passenger and the Carrier,
- Ticket - any transportation document containing the terms of the transportation contract between the Carrier and the Passenger, for example: electronic passenger ticket (e-ticket) and baggage receipt, and/or any electronic document (except the transportation document) in documentary form, which used for electronic document management,
- consumers - means: a natural person who concludes a legal agreement with a trader that is not directly related to his/her commercial or professional activity,
- User - means: a person who uses the website,
- e-mail address - should be understood as: an active and valid e-mail address specified by the User.
3. Booking and payment
3.1. The Agent is obliged to book, pay for, issue and hand over the tickets to the Client, as well as book, pay for, order additional services to the order that have been confirmed by the Agent.
The Customer shall provide the Agent with the information by registering on the website www.chartershop.eu and completing the order form independently, with the following mandatory information:
- personal data about the client that allow him to be identified,
- the number of required tickets, the names and passport data of all passengers for whom tickets are booked,
- desired departure and/or return dates,
- place of departure and arrival,
- additional services, if available,
- customer contact information: phone number, e-mail or other identification data that allows to contact the customer by other electronic means.
3.2. The client registers on the website www.chartershop.eu, confirms his full legal capacity and ability to undertake legally binding obligations, as well as fills out the necessary questionnaire, after which he gains access to the ticket reservation system and additional services related to it. In order to activate the account using the email/password, the User must click on the activation link sent immediately to the email address specified by the User.
3.3. The client can place an order for booking the tickets and additional services he needs by filling out the appropriate online order form. Filling out the online order form is the conclusion of a contract, the scope of which is defined by these Regulations. The order must contain the Customer's instructions for the execution of the order. Sending an order with the content necessary for making a reservation and identifying the Client to the e-mail address Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea. is equivalent to filling out an online order form.
3.4. During Business Hours (Business Hours means 8 working hours from 08.00 to 16.00), the Agent shall notify the Client by telephone and/or email of the availability of the Client's email order and issue an invoice for payment or notify the Client that the order cannot be processed. If the order is placed after Business Hours, the Agent shall notify the Client of the availability of the order no later than the next Business Day at the Business Hours specified in this clause. The information about the availability of the order placed shall include the following details:
- number of tickets;
- identification data of passengers;
- date of departure and return;
- place of departure and arrival;
- ordered additional services, if available;
- ticket price;
- deadline for ticket payment.
3.5. The Agent reserves the right to contact the User of the web portal in order to clarify the Client's data and confirm the booking conditions, if, in the Agent's opinion, it is appropriate and necessary. If communication with the User turns out to be impossible or significantly complicated, the Agent will confirm the possibility of booking in accordance with the conditions on which the User placed the order.
3.6. After receiving confirmation that the order can be fulfilled, the Client undertakes to make payment by bank transfer or payment by credit card within the terms specified in the confirmation:
- payment by bank transfer is made by transferring the required amount to the Agent's bank account specified in the confirmation. Non-cash payment is only possible with the prior consent of the Agent for this form of payment.
* as non-cash payments to the Agent's account may be credited to the Agent's current account within one to three (1-3) days.
- by payment card.
Payment for services is made in the national currency euros. Late payment by the Client for confirmed services is considered by the Parties as the Client's refusal of the contract. Taking into account the different forms and methods of payments using credit cards, a situation may arise when the Client's bank account will be debited in a currency other than the currency in which the Agreement was concluded. The Agent is not responsible for the costs associated with the conversion of the currency in which the bank made the payment into euros, as well as for commissions charged by the Client's bank.
The User of the Website confirms his/her consent to receive invoices in electronic form. Electronic invoices for services, created in accordance with the provisions of Article 80 of the Law on Value Added Tax of the Republic of Lithuania, shall be sent in PDF format to the e-mail address specified in the order form.
3.7. In the case of a booking made for a group of passengers and the customer to be invoiced is not specified, the invoice will be issued according to the data of the first Customer of the multi-passenger reservation and sent to the e-mail address specified in the reservation form. To receive a named invoice for each Passenger, it is recommended to make separate reservations for one flight.
3.8. Online payment by credit card is carried out in accordance with the procedure provided for in these Regulations. After receiving confirmation that the order can be processed, the payment card is authorized and the amount due for the purchased tickets and/or additional services is debited from it. In the event that payment for services is made after redirection to a certain transaction service for payment, the User is obliged to follow the messages of the corresponding transaction service. The user is obliged to familiarize himself with the Regulations of the relevant transaction service and follow the specified instructions.
3.9. If the Client uses a bank card that does not belong to the Client, the Client must obtain written authorization for the purchase from the owner of the bank card. Competent law enforcement authorities will be immediately notified of payment for ordered tickets and services using someone else's or fake payment card. In order to avoid unauthorized use of the payment card, the Agent has the right to conduct an additional verification of the correctness of the owner's details, including to request the consent of the card owner.
3.10. The client is considered to have fulfilled his obligations to pay for services from the moment the funds are credited to the Agent's current account. The Agent's obligations to issue and deliver tickets and additional services to the Client arise only after receiving payment in full.
3.11. The Agent is not responsible if the services of the Carrier or Service Provider that have not been paid for or have been paid for but not yet confirmed by the Carrier or Service Provider are canceled or not confirmed due to factors on the part of the Carrier and/or Service Provider.
The Agent hereby stipulates that the Client's order for the amount previously declared may not be fulfilled.
Additional services and tickets, as well as tickets for different orders, are confirmed, canceled, changed and returned as separate services and are independent of each other. Failure to confirm an additional service does not result in the cancellation of an already confirmed ticket. Changes made by the Service Provider, in accordance with the terms of the charter programs, to one reservation request, do not lead to changes in other reservations of the Client, which were made by separate orders.
3.12. The cost of transportation and additional services is valid at the time of ordering and may be changed by the Service Provider or the Carrier before the time of booking, sale of tickets and/or other services, without notifying the Clients. If, at the time of booking tickets and/or other services, the price does not correspond to that specified in the order, the Agent is obliged to notify the Client of the price change and has the right to charge the Client an additional fee. If the total amount to be paid exceeds 130% of the amount previously agreed by the Agent, the Client has the right to withdraw from the contract. The fee for the Agent's services is non-refundable in case of cancellation of the contract.
3.13. The Client has the right to return the ticket if it is allowed by the conditions and tariffs of the Carrier, for which the Client must make a statement to the Agent, who must contact the Carrier, transfer the Client's statement to the Carrier and inform the Client about the Carrier's decision. The fee for the Agent's services is not refundable if the ticket is returned.
3.14. The Client has the right to change, modify and refuse the contract for the provision of additional services, if this is allowed by the conditions and tariffs established by the Service Provider, for which the Client must submit an application to the Agent, who is obliged to contact the Service Provider, transfer the submitted application of the Client to the Provider services and inform the Client about the Service Provider's decision. The fee for the Agent's services in case of change, modification or refusal of the contract for the provision of additional services is not refundable.
3.15. After receiving the payment, no later than 1 (one) day before the departure date, from 15:00 to 19:00, the Agent issues and sends e-tickets and/or route confirmation and other documentation to the Client's e-mail address. The Agent's obligation to transfer tickets and documentation is considered fulfilled from the moment they are sent to the Client's email address. The risk of non-receipt of documents or evasion of their receipt is borne by the Client.
3.16. The cost of tickets and related services, specified in the confirmation, includes: the cost of paying for tickets and additional services to the Carrier and the Service Provider, the cost of the Agent's services, and the commission of the payment systems, which in no case is returned to the Client.
The price of the ticket and additional services includes the Agent's service fee. The Agent's service fee is the difference between the amount of the sale of the ticket and/or additional services to the Client and the amount paid to the Carrier who provides transportation under the transportation contract, or to the entity that provides transportation services, and to the Service Provider. The fee for the Agent's services is the property of the Agent, is determined by the Agent independently and does not need to be agreed with the Client. In case of full or partial return of the ticket, the service fee is not refunded.
3.17. Obligations for transportation and all related obligations arise directly from the obligations of the Carrier and/or Service Provider.
3.18. The Client, who concluded the Agreement by accepting the offer, has the right at any time to demand from the Agent to transfer to him the completed documents together with the attachments - acts of provision of services. Documents are sent to the e-mail address specified by the Client or by registered mail to the postal address specified by the Client.
3.19. The client is obliged to familiarize himself with all the terms of the order during the booking process. If the Client does not understand any conditions of ordering and booking services, including the conditions of refusal, return, making any changes to the completed order, the Client has the right to contact the Agent with a request to provide the necessary information. Information is provided by the Agent in the form of a telephone contact at the phone number +48226022000 or by sending a request to the Agent's e-mail address Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea. until the moment before paying for the order. Payment of the order by the Client is evidence of unconditional acceptance of the terms of booking services and these Regulations, as well as agreement with other conditions established by the owner of the website www.chartershop.eu.
3.20. The user of the Website is aware of and accepts the risks of the electronic services provided by the Agent. The risks are the possibility of a third party gaining access to data transmitted over the network or stored on computers or mobile devices connected to the network, the disruption of such data, which may result in its loss, unauthorised modification or restriction of the use of the services offered, through no fault of the Agent.
3.21. The parties to the transportation contract are: the Carrier providing air or bus transportation services, and the User of the www.chartershop.eu website. The company declares that it does not provide air or bus transportation services at any stage, and therefore is not responsible for the performance of this service, including for changing the Carrier. Contracts concluded using the portal www.chartershop.eu, mentioned above, are executed on the basis of the general terms of contracts of individual Carriers with which the User concludes a contract. Responsibility for the proper performance of air transportation services is borne by the entity directly responsible for its performance in each specific case.
4. Agent's rights and obligations
4.1. The agent is obliged to:
- to provide the Client with all information about the services offered in accordance with the provisions of Article 6.748 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania,
- book, pay for and issue the ticket(s) and related services to the Client in accordance with the Client's confirmed order,
- reliably inform the Client about the Carrier's rules of transportation by posting relevant information on the www.chartershop.eu website,
- send the electronic ticket or other necessary documents to the Client no later than 1 (one) day before the departure date, from 15:00 to 19:00 CET. If the ticket is booked by the Client less than 24 hours before departure, the electronic ticket or other documents are sent no later than 3 (in words: three) hours before departure. Incomplete or late payment of the order by the Client entitles the Agent to refuse to issue such documents,
- to inform the Client about a change in the list of services or about the impossibility of providing a paid service, if the Service Provider has informed the Agent about this in a timely manner,
- without undue delay, forward the Customer's notifications, requests or claims to the Carrier and/or the Service Provider as provided for in Article 19 of the Law on Tourism.
4.2. The agent has the right to:
- make changes to the Web portal at any time and at its own discretion, without special warning to the Users of the Web portal: add new and/or change existing services of Providers and/or Carriers, services available on the site; change the appearance of the Web portal; rules for conducting loyalty programs and promotions; add/reduce the list of payment methods available to the Client for orders on the website; change the cost of services; the amount of service fees and commissions charged when purchasing services; charge the Client additional service fees for the procedure of returning, exchanging and changing a previously issued ticket and/or additional services, if such changes can be confirmed by the Provider or the Carrier,
- to correct errors in the cost of services on the site and/or in created orders (paid and unpaid), booked at the wrong price. If possible, the Customer will be prompted to change the price of the order to the correct price or to cancel the reservation. If the Client does not agree to the new flight/travel conditions, the Agent will, as far as possible, offer the Client conditions as close as possible to the original order,
- to carry out activities governed by anti-fraud and anti-money laundering policies,
- collect information about the Client's reservation in order to inform the Client about special offers, promotions and additional services available on the web portal,
- to cancel the reservation if the Client has not provided the documents and information necessary for using the service. Documents and information include, but are not limited to, visas, passports, border crossing notes required for crossing international borders. If the reservation is canceled due to failure to provide the necessary documents, the Agent retains the remuneration due to him,
- suspend the provision of services on the web portal without notifying customers in connection with technical work.
5. Rights and obligations of the Client
5.1. The client is obliged to:
- make payment in a timely manner and provide complete, honest and accurate information necessary for issuing a ticket (passport data of all passengers) and additional services (information requested by the Agent in accordance with the selected service),
- to provide the Agent with accurate information about his e-mail address and telephone number, which are necessary for the Agent to immediately contact the Client,
- timely update the data, including personal data provided by the Client, in particular, as far as it is necessary for the proper execution of the contract,
- notify the Agent in advance in writing of any circumstances that prevent or impede the provision of services to the Client (Passengers), including but not limited to:
- presence of the Client with various diseases and related medical contraindications. The client is obliged to independently determine the possibility of air transportation, based on the state of his health,
- conflict situations with state bodies or air carriers,
- citizenship of the Client with which the visa regime is associated,
- independently agree with the Carrier or with the Authorized Agent of the Carrier or through the Agent about carrying out transportation:
- a passenger with a child under 2 years of age; a child unaccompanied by an adult Client who is transported under the care of the Carrier,
- seriously ill Client,
- a patient on a stretcher,
- An unaccompanied hearing-impaired client,
- blind Client with a guide dog,
- An unaccompanied Client with visual and/or hearing impairments who is transported under the supervision of the Carrier,
- A Client whose mobility when using air/intercity transport is limited and/or whose property requires special attention during service,
- Clients with non-standard, heavy luggage or luggage that requires special transportation conditions,
- currency in banknotes or coins, shares, bonds and other securities, credit and bank cards, jewelry, precious metals, precious or semi-precious stones, including industrial diamonds (hereinafter - valuable cargo),
- dogs, cats, birds and other small pets that are domesticated (hereinafter - pets) or birds, insects, fish, etc. (hereinafter - farm animals),
- in a timely manner (no later than a day before departure) to clarify with the Carrier or the Carrier's authorized agent the time and place of departure/departure, the airport of departure/departure and other necessary data,
- to independently track the status of the reservation, the details of the flight on the reservation and e-mail to receive letters and notifications about changes in the reservation and any other information regarding the Customer's order,
- to accept the tickets sent by the Agent before the start of transportation and to hand them over to the Passengers in a timely manner. The Client is obliged to check the received tickets and immediately notify the Agent of any errors in them. The client agrees to receive tickets no later than 24 hours before the start of transportation. The Agent is not responsible for the operation of communication channels, in connection with which the risk of failures is borne by the Client,
- arrive on time at the airport or at the place of departure of the bus (no later than 2 hours before the scheduled time of departure),
- all documents necessary for the flight, including an identity document, in the case of a minor traveling abroad - a notarized consent of his legal representatives, a visa (if necessary) and other documents, the presence of which is required in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania, the legislation of the country, to the territory, from the territory or through the territory of which Passengers, baggage and cargo are transported, the country of destination or the rules of the Carrier,
- follow established safety rules,
- to comply with the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania, international treaties to which the Republic of Lithuania is a party, the legislation of the European Union and the legislation of the country to whose territory, from whose territory or through whose territory passengers, baggage and cargo are transported, in connection with in connection with transportation of Passengers, baggage and cargo, fulfillment of requirements for ensuring flight safety, air traffic safety, as well as requirements related to border, customs, immigration, sanitary-quarantine, veterinary, phytosanitary and other types of control in accordance with the legislation of countries,
- to acquaint all Passengers, on whose behalf the Client has the right to act, with the content of these Terms and all the information provided to the Client by the Agent, the conditions for changing or canceling tickets and additional services, to ensure that they fulfill all the Client's obligations under the contract. The client guarantees that he has the authority to perform transactions in the interests of other persons.
5.2. The Сlient has the right to:
- make requests, appeals, provide explanations or additional information, and in the event that the Client has the right in accordance with these Regulations or the contract concluded with the Carrier to withdraw from the concluded contract or change the ordered service of the Carrier/Service Provider, send a corresponding statement to the e-mail address Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea., with the caveat that any electronic correspondence addressed to the Company from an address that was not verified by the Company during the Client's registration on the web portal www.chartershop.eu will be ignored,
- to send any enquiries, requests, clarifications or additional information in writing to the following address: Poland, Warsaw (00-238), ul. Dluga 29, and, if the Customer has the right under these Terms and Conditions or the contract concluded with the Carrier, to withdraw from the concluded contract or to modify the ordered service of the Carrier/Service Provider, without contacting the e-mail address confirmed by the Company during the Customer's registration on www.chartershop.eu,
- use all available services and reference and information sections of the web portal and information sections of the web portal for the purpose of choosing, purchasing or researching available routes, prices, types, composition and conditions of service provision,
- purchase services for third parties or on their behalf, only if authorized by these third parties to select and purchase the service and provide their personal data necessary for the provision of the service,
- to receive from the Agent information related to the implementation of this Regulation,
- to subscribe to the newsletter service, which constitutes consent to receive commercial information within the meaning of Article 10 of the Law of 18 July 2022 on the Provision of Electronic Services (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 344) at the email address provided by the Customer, which allows the Customer to receive commercial and/or marketing information about offers and promotions from the Agent, the Carriers and the Service Providers, who are the Agent's official-legal partners, without infringing the requirements of the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR),
- to withdraw consent to receive newsletters by sending a request to Good Flight at the email address Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.. As soon as the instruction to refuse to receive marketing content is delivered to the Agent, the Agent will immediately stop sending marketing content to the Client's email address.
6. Special conditions
6.1. The Agent has the right to refuse the processing of the order to the Client in case of violation by the Client of the payment procedure established by these Regulations, failure to provide the relevant information necessary for issuing a ticket, or violation of other obligations established by these Regulations.
6.2. By placing a booking in accordance with these Conditions, the Customer confirms that he/she is informed that the funds paid by him/her, after deduction of the cost of the booking services, are payable to the Carrier and/or the Service Provider and may only be refunded by the Agent subject to penalties. In the event of cancellation of the Ticket and/or Additional Services, refunds shall be made in accordance with the Carrier's or Service Provider's rules, in accordance with the applicable legislation. The Agent has the right to refuse to refund the service fee paid by the Customer to the Agent for the issue of tickets and/or additional services provided to the Customer.
In the event of a full or partial refund to the Client for the ticket and/or additional services, the Agent's service fee shall not be refunded.
6.3. In case of claims for deficiencies, the Customer shall have the right to appeal to the Carrier or the Service Provider in accordance with the appeal procedure provided for in the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania, the Tourism Law of the Republic of Lithuania, the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights of the Republic of Lithuania and/or other legal acts. The Customer's claims relating to the Carrier's or Service Provider's performance shall be submitted directly to the entity that provided or should have provided the services to the Customer, or to the Agent, who shall forward them to the relevant entity. Claims not related to the Agent's performance shall be sent to the relevant Carrier and/or Service Provider. The Agent shall notify the Customer at the email address provided in the complaint of the receipt of the complaint or other claim and its forwarding to the relevant entity for processing.
6.4. In the event of a complaint regarding the Agent's performance, the Client shall have the right to contact the Agent by submitting a written complaint in Lithuanian, Russian, English or Polish, by post, to the following address: 00-238 Warsaw, Poland, ul. Długa 29 or to the e-mail address Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea., with the condition that the claim sent to the e-mail address of the Company must be sent from the e-mail address that was verified by the Company during the registration of the Client on the website www.chartershop.eu. Claims are considered within 14 days from the moment of their receipt. The Agent informs the Client about the acceptance of the claim sent from the Client's confirmed e-mail address. Sending a complaint to an e-mail address means that the Sending a claim to an email address implies that the Customer wishes to receive a response to the claim in electronic form, unless the Customer requests in the claim that the response to the claim be provided in writing, together with an indication of the appropriate method of delivery to an address in the EU.
6.5. The response to the claim will be in Lithuanian, Russian, English or Polish, depending on the language in which the claim was submitted to the Agent. If the claim is submitted in a language other than those listed, the response will be in English.
6.6. It is recommended that the Client indicate in the claim:
- name and surname,
- contact details of the complainant,
- passenger data,
- mailing address,
- information and circumstances related to the subject of the claim, in particular the nature and date of the violation, the order number,
- Customer requests and other information relevant to the claim.
The requirements set forth in the previous sentence are advisory in nature and do not affect the validity of claims submitted without the recommended description of the claim. The Agent reserves the right to ask the Client to supplement the submitted claim if the claim does not allow the case to be resolved due to failure to provide relevant circumstances and information.
6.7. Documents relating to the described circumstances, expenses incurred, etc. must be attached to the claim letter.
6.8. In the event of cancellation of tickets and/or additional services, the funds paid will be refunded to the Client after the Carrier or Service Provider has returned them to the Agent. The funds shall be refunded to the Order Paying Customer to the bank account from which the payment was made.
In order to make a refund, the Client must send an application for a refund to the Agent's postal address, indicating his name, surname, postal address, order number, the cost of tickets to be refunded, payment details and certify the application with his own signature and date.
Refunds shall only be made to the Payer named at the time of payment for the Booking within 14 days of the Carrier's or Service Provider's refund to the Agent.
6.9. The use of non-judicial complaint and redress procedures (mediation) is voluntary. The following provisions are for information purposes only and do not constitute an obligation on the part of the Agent, the Carrier and/or the Service Provider to resolve disputes out of court. The Agent's, Carrier's and/or Service Provider's declaration of consent or refusal to participate in an out-of-court consumer dispute resolution procedure must be made in writing to the other party to the dispute, by sending a notification to the e-mail address of the party initiating the dispute resolution.
6.10. Detailed information on the possibility for a Customer who is a Consumer to use the out-of-court complaints or claims procedure and the rules of this procedure can be obtained from the State Consumer Rights Protection Service https://vvtat.lrv.lt/lt/.
6.11. The agent must inform the consumer about the possibility of withdrawing from the distance contract; however, the right of withdrawal does not apply to distance contracts for the provision of services, if the service has been fully performed, if the performance has begun with the prior express consent of the consumer and after the consumer has acknowledged that he will lose his right to withdraw from the contract after full performance contract by the seller.
6.12. Cancellation of the reservation is possible only with the consent of the Carrier and/or Service Provider.
7. Responsibilities of the parties
7.1. The Client and Passengers are responsible, informed and aware of this:
- any violation of the Regulations and terms of the Agreement, as well as the terms of the Agreement with the Carrier or the Service Provider and the terms of the agreement with the Carrier or the Service Provider, may lead to the cancellation of the order, denial of access to the services provided, without refund of the funds paid for the order,
- all steps of the order are solely the Client's independent choice. The buyer bears full responsibility for the correctness of the data he enters during the booking process. The information entered by the Client is automatically stored in the service system for further order formation,
- The Client and the Passenger are fully responsible for the availability and proper processing of visas and other documents necessary for crossing the border of the countries of transit and arrival. The validity period of the Passenger's passport and other documents must meet the requirements of the host countries,
- The Client and Passengers bear full responsibility for late submission of a claim or non-compliance with the necessary formalities,
- fraud (or attempted fraud) when purchasing a ticket through an online portal may lead to problems with obtaining visas when directly checking in for a flight, etc.,
- fraud (or attempted fraud) with the use of bank credit cards entails liability under applicable law.
7.2. The Client and the Passenger confirm and guarantee that they are familiar with and agree to these terms:
- with the requirements for obtaining and having the documents necessary for the trip, and assume all responsibility for the preparation of all the documents necessary for the trip. Passengers must familiarize themselves with and comply with all requirements of the country to which they are headed, including the preparation of documents required for departure and arrival, the need to obtain visas, the purchase of a return ticket if the arriving citizen is required to have one or other requirements , necessary for entry (medical insurance for those traveling abroad, confirmation of sufficient financial funds, etc.), the need to draw up other documents for the departure of minors under the age of 18, animals, permits for the import and export of weapons, artistic values and other permits and approvals,
- with the requirements for foreign passports and other formal documents, including the validity period of the foreign passport, which is necessary for obtaining a visa and entering the host country,
- with the requirements concerning the features and principles of border (customs) control (regime) of the Republic of Lithuania, the European Union and other foreign countries,
- takes full responsibility for the validity of foreign passports, travel permits for minor children and other documents required for border crossing, and for the reliability and accuracy of the information contained in these documents,
- imposing a financial penalty on a Passenger holding an invalid entry or exit document and the obligation to pay it. The Passenger and the Client must independently obtain the necessary information on deportation procedures from the embassy/consulate of the country concerned. The Passenger and the Client undertake to reimburse the Agent for any costs incurred by the Agent in the event of the Passenger's violation of applicable general legislation or the Carrier's/Service Provider's rules necessitating the payment of fines or deportation costs, which shall include the amount of the Passenger's return ticket.
7.3. The Agent is responsible for the correct issuance of electronic ticket forms and route receipts in accordance with the Client's order.
7.4. The agent is not responsible and does not provide compensation for:
- and does not guarantee the accuracy and is not responsible for any errors or other inaccuracies, omissions, representations, assurances, warranties, breaches or negligence related to the services of all, without exception, Service Providers available on the Web Portal (including prices, routes, photos, service descriptions, statistics, etc.), as well as for any personal injury, death, property damage, non-property damage or other damages or additional expenses incurred as a result of the above; for damages and losses incurred while traveling to different parts of the world.
The Agent declares that he will make every effort to provide the Client with full service in accordance with the completed order. The Client is informed that, despite exercising due diligence when choosing Service Providers, the Agent is unable to carry out a fully independent verification of the information provided by them, - cancellation of the reservation due to the fault of the Carrier. Requests, claims of the Client, directly related to the cancellation of the reservation, are submitted directly to the entity that was supposed to provide the transport service, or to the Agent, who sends them to the relevant entity,
- cancellation of flights or change of departure time, airport of departure/arrival, place of departure/arrival, type of aircraft or other means of transport in the case of ground transport and any related changes in the Client's travel program,
- storage and delivery of the Client's luggage,
- losses incurred by the Client (Passenger) in connection with his removal from the flight and/or refusal of permission for departure/entry by customs, border, sanitary, migration and other authorized services, as well as in connection with other actions/ inaction and/or decisions of authorities or bodies of the Republic of Lithuania or foreign countries,
- for losses incurred by the Client:
- due to late arrival at the airport (for check-in)/place of departure,
- in connection with the Customer's violation of the current legislation of the Republic of Lithuania or the host country, including customs, border, sanitary and quarantine rules,
- due to being under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other substances and, accordingly, the inability to use transport services,
- refusal or untimely issuance of entry visas by consular institutions of foreign countries for any reason, including the fault of the consular institution, non-compliance of the passport of a foreign citizen with the requirements of immigration, customs and border services,
- losses incurred by the Client in connection with the absence, loss or invalidation of the foreign passport, and related costs,
- the absence of a minor citizen of the Republic of Lithuania or a citizen of another state who is traveling abroad without a parent, adoptive parent, guardian or custodian, a foreign passport or a notarized consent of the above-mentioned persons for the departure of a person who has not reached the age of eighteen, specifying the date of departure and the country from which she intends to leave,
- missing travel documents of the Passenger received from the Agent,
- restrictions on travel abroad imposed on the Passenger in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania or the legislation of the country of which the Passenger is a citizen,
- failure to provide and/or inaccurate provision of information required for the issue of tickets,
- actions/omissions and decisions of Carriers and Service Providers, and the performance/non-performance of their contractual obligations. Disputes arising out of the Contract of Carriage, including disputes arising out of refusal to conclude the Contract of Carriage, shall be settled directly between the Carrier and the Passenger. Requests and claims of the Customer directly related to the carriage and breaches thereof shall be submitted directly to the Carrier or the Agent who shall forward them to the competent entity (the Carrier and/or the Service Provider) that provided the carriage services,,
- the quality of the various public communication channels through which the Client accesses the web portal and the support service provider, and through which all information is sent to the Client by the Agent, and if due to poor communication there is a failure during service selection, registration and payment for order
- for unauthorized access to the Client's personal account, as well as for any consequences arising from the Client's lack of information about the ordered services due to the fact that the Client does not monitor the status of the completed order, does not check his e-mail to receive information from the Agent about the ordered services and does not contact the Agent's support service for information,
- for complete or partial inoperability of the service and its components during any period of time, as well as for the Client's lack of access to the service or incurring any direct or indirect costs in connection with these circumstances. All offers, prices, as well as sales conditions may be: changed without notice to the Client, limited in time, availability of places and conditions of advance booking, travel dates, conditions of minimum or maximum stay at the destination, seasonal price fluctuations, temporary failures in the operation of reservation systems and/or be subject to other changes, conditions and restrictions,
- for technical malfunctions of the website and for interruptions in the availability of the website due to reasons arising from the fault of third parties (including operators of telecommunication networks), including those caused by force majeure circumstances.
7.5. The parties are released from responsibility for partial or complete non-fulfillment of the obligations assumed under these Regulations, if such non-fulfillment was the result of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of this Agreement. Force Majeure - as defined in the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania.
8. Change of the offer
8.1. The offer becomes effective from the moment of its publication on the Agent's website at www.chartershop.eu and is valid until the Agent withdraws it.
8.2. The Agent reserves the right to change the terms of the offered opportunities and/or withdraw the offer at any time at its sole discretion. In the event that the Agent makes changes to the Offer, such changes shall enter into force from the moment of their publication on the web portal, unless a different term for the entry into force of the changes is additionally specified at the time of publication.
9. Application of the Regulation
9.1. The Regulations enter into force from the moment of confirmation of the offer and remain in effect until the moment the Agent fulfills his obligations to book, issue and transfer the tickets ordered by the Client or until the termination of the Agreement.
9.2. The contract may be terminated by mutual agreement of the parties or for other reasons provided for by the current legislation of the Republic of Lithuania.
9.3. The Agent reserves the right to unilaterally make changes to the Regulations - provided that the general rule applicable to the Regulations, accepted by the Client at the time of booking, and that the Clients can access archived versions of the Regulations.
10. Miscellaneous Provisions
10.1. All issues not regulated by the Offer or these Regulations are governed by the current legislation of the Republic of Lithuania. Disputes and misunderstandings that may arise during the execution of this Agreement shall be resolved as far as possible through negotiations between the parties to the Agreement. In case of failure to reach an agreement, the dispute will be considered by a court whose jurisdiction extends to the location of the Agent.
10.2. This regulation sets out the entire legal basis for the contract between the Agent and the Client. The Agent does not assume any obligations regarding the subject of the offer-order, which are not expressly stated in the Offer. Exceptions are cases when such conditions or obligations are agreed in writing and signed by the Agent and the Client.
10.3. If it turns out that individual provisions of these Regulations are invalid or there is a gap in them, this does not affect the validity of the remaining provisions, except in cases where the invalidity affects the essential provisions of the Regulations or it follows from their content that without invalid provisions the Agreement would not be concluded. Invalid provisions shall be replaced by valid and effective provisions which are as close as possible in their economic and financial effects and in the intentions of the parties to the invalidated provisions.
10.4. The client is warned about the Carrier's rules of transportation; about ticket cancellation rules; about cases in which refunds for tickets are not made. By filling out and sending the order, the Client confirms receipt of the following information:
- about the Agent: the company for which it works, its legal and postal address, its VAT code and its legal personality number,
- the price of the services in euro or another currency, depending on the offer,
- the itinerary of the transfer, the date of departure and arrival, the level of service on the plane or bus,
- about the need for the client to keep the ticket (unused vouchers) during the entire transportation,
- that the use of the ticket by a person not specified in the ticket is not allowed. If the ticket is presented by a person not specified in the ticket, the ticket will be confiscated by the Carrier and its value will not be returned to the bearer. In this case, the Carrier shall draw up a confiscation report and state the reasons for the confiscation of the ticket,
- that in the case of a Passenger's statement about the loss or damage of a ticket, the Carrier is obliged to immediately take all measures dependent on it to establish the fact that the Passenger concluded an air transportation contract,
- that the absence, incorrect registration or loss of the Passenger's ticket does not affect the existence or validity of the passenger's air transportation contract,
- that offers for tickets with the same route and/or flight data may come from different service providers,
- that the Carrier has the right to cancel or postpone the flight specified in the Ticket, to change the type of air or other means of transport, to change the route of transport, the place of departure, or the flight schedule, if this is required by the conditions for the operation of the transport operation and the safety and/or security of air traffic, or at the request of the public authorities within the competence of the Member State, and for any other operational reasons,
- that the day of arrival and departure is considered a travel day, therefore, flight times are approximate, which means that they are subject to change. In the event of a change, the Supplier will notify the Agent and the Agent will notify the Customer,
- that the Carrier has the right to change the departure time (+/- 24 hours),
- that the Carrier is not responsible for delays in traffic and untimely arrival at checkpoints, if this is due to circumstances beyond its control (including delays at border crossings, weather conditions, traffic jams, actions of government authorities, repair work on roads, etc., the actions of the passengers themselves, which affected the fulfillment of these circumstances) and other reasons (technical problems that occurred in the bus during movement and which the Carrier could not avoid, despite taking all precautionary measures),
- that the Carrier has the right to change the place of departure, the timetable, use additional buses and change the Passenger's seat on the bus without the prior consent and notification of the Passenger,
- that the Carrier or Service Provider has the right to change flights and/or the operating carrier when optimizing the flight/charter program,
- that the Passenger is accepted for transportation in the presence of a properly issued ticket,
- transportation rules established by the Carrier,
- that Passengers and baggage are checked in on the basis of the Passenger's ticket and identity document, as well as other documents provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania or the corresponding third country,
- that during international transportation, the Passenger must carry exit, entry and other documents issued in accordance with the legislation of the country to, from or through the territory of which transportation will be carried out, taking into account the requirements for such documents,
- that the passenger must arrive at the place of boarding the aircraft no later than the boarding time for the flight specified in the boarding pass,
- that a Passenger who is late for passenger and baggage check-in or boarding cannot be carried on this flight. The baggage of a registered Passenger who did not show up for boarding the flight is subject to removal from the aircraft and mandatory inspection,
- that for the carriage of baggage in excess of the established rate of free carriage of baggage, other paid baggage shall be charged at the rate set by the Carrier. Payment for the transportation of such baggage is issued on the basis of a receipt for payment of excess baggage or an order for the payment of various fees,
- that food and hot drinks may not be provided to the Passenger on board the aircraft, if this is stipulated by the rules of the Carrier and the Passenger has been informed about the conditions of service on board the aircraft,
- about the consequences of refusing to conclude a contract of carriage, about possible deductions for a specific category of tickets booked for the client,
- other information may be provided to the Client at his request orally or (at the discretion of the Agent) in writing.
10.5. The Agent, Carrier and Service Providers are in principle independent administrators of personal data.
10.6. Providing personal data by the client is voluntary, but necessary for using the site, placing an order and concluding a contract.
10.7. In the event that Good Flight has at its disposal the personal data of the Client and Passengers, necessary for the conclusion and execution of the Contract with the Carrier and/or the Service Provider, Good Flight undertakes to provide them to the Carrier and/or the Service Provider after giving the Client the opportunity to verify the authenticity of the personal data .
10.8. The Agent can process the personal data of the Client, as well as any other person specified in the order, which include:
- personal identification number or, if no such number is assigned, the number of the passport, identity card or other personal identification document,
- address of permanent residence,
- postal address for correspondence,
- email addresses.
The Client undertakes to obtain and ensure that it has the right to transmit the personal data of the participants in the contract and its annexes. By concluding the Contract, the Client confirms his/her authority to transfer the personal data referred to. The Client shall be liable for all costs arising from the Client's lack of authorisation, including damages related to sanctions by the responsible authorities. The Client shall inform the data subjects whose personal data it provides during the execution of the order of the rules applicable to the processing of personal data by the Agent.
Processing of personal data is carried out by the Agent and (or) the Carrier/Service Providers for the purpose of fulfilling the contract (including, depending on the terms of the contract, issuing travel documents, settlement of claims in case of their occurrence, transfer of information to authorized state bodies (including upon request courts and other institutions that have the right to do so) and includes the collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, distribution, depersonalization, blocking, destruction of personal data.
The Client is informed that his/her personal data may be processed by both automated and non-automated processing methods. The Customer is aware that, for the purposes of the order, his/her personal data may be transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA), that is to say, that cross-border processing of personal data may take place, where such exchange of data may be necessary for the execution of the order.
The Agent processes personal data, as a rule, before the expiration of the statute of limitations for claims arising from contracts concluded with the Client. If the basis for processing is consent, until its withdrawal. If the basis for processing is a legitimate interest, until the objection is submitted.
The Client has the right to request from the Agent a copy of his/her personal data, to correct or delete his/her personal data, to restrict the processing of his/her personal data and to receive the personal data provided to the Agent in a structured and computer-readable form. In addition, the Customer may object to the processing of his/her personal data in certain circumstances (in particular where the Agent does not need to process the data in order to comply with contractual or other legal requirements). If the Agent has asked the Client for consent, the Client may withdraw it at any time. If the Client requests to withdraw consent to the Agent's processing of their personal data, this will not affect any processing already carried out. In order to exercise these rights, the Client must contact the Agent by sending a notice of his/her wish to exercise these rights to the registered office of the Agent or to the address of the Agent's registered office in Poland, Warsaw (00-238), ul. Dluga 29 or by e-mail from the Agent, with a secure electronic signature.
The above rights may be subject to certain limitations - for example, if complying with a request would disclose personal information about another person, or if the user asks the Agent to delete information that is required by law or that the Agent has a legitimate interest in protecting. In the event of unresolved issues, the Customer shall have the right to lodge a complaint with the State Data Protection Inspectorate or any other authority responsible for data protection oversight.
10.9. These legal relations are governed by the law of the Republic of Lithuania.
10.10. The client is warned and aware that in the case of purchasing a ticket and/or additional services from a foreign carrier, the legal relationship with such a carrier may not be regulated by the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania.
10.11. The Client is informed and aware that familiarization with the terms of tariffs, rules of the Carriers and/or Service Providers, receiving information from the relevant airline or provider of auxiliary services of the Provider may require communication in English. Having been warned about this possibility, the Client voluntarily agrees to communicate in English.
10.12. A user of the website may request in writing that his or her account on the website www.chartershop.pl be removed. Such a request shall be executed as soon as the Website Administrator receives the relevant instruction. The Website Administrator shall have the right to immediately terminate the User's account if the User violates the Terms and Conditions.
The User of the Website is prohibited from posting illegal and harmful content on the Website. Illegal and harmful content is understood here as electronic data (messages, announcements, etc.) inciting hatred, violating copyright, disseminating false information, inciting terrorism, and other data the publication and/or distribution of which is prohibited by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.
The Regulations have been drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Tourism of the Republic of Lithuania, the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania, the Law on Protection of Consumer Rights of the Republic of Lithuania, the Law on Electronic Communications of the Republic of Lithuania, the Law on Public Information of the Republic of Lithuania, the Law on Information Society Services of the Republic of Lithuania, as well as the provisions of the EU legislation regulating the parties' rights, obligations and duties as set out in these Regulations.